In each of my classes, students fill out a self-grading sheet when they turn in their projects. I believe this allows them to see what is expected of them to get high marks, and it also allows me to see what they think they did well on and what they think they still need improvement on. Positive encouragement and positive reinforcement make the difference between keeping a student engaged or not. Students are always harder on themselves than others are on them.
Below are some of the comments I get from students:
"Specifically, I think I need to improve more on creativity"
"I need to improve the composition of how I put things together, I could have done better on this project."
"I need to remember lighting, and always make sure everything in the design follows that specific lighting"
"I am proud of the craftsmanship I put into this design, I spent a lot of time making sure it was perfect."
"I'm most proud of my creativity and the direction I took."
"I learned there are so many different ways to accomplish the same thing in Photoshop."